Some residents have highlighted that playgrounds around the Tampines area do not really cater well to special needs children.
You and your team mates (group of 5-6) are compassionate, budding architects and you have taken up this challenge of designing a creative yet educational and therapeutic playground for these children at your own expense. You may select, from among the following, ONE target group of children to base your design on:
a) visually impaired children
b) physically handicapped children
c) children who have experienced emotional trauma
d) children with the phobia of __________.
You need to do your research on the respective needs of your target group and design the most creative, yet need-sensitive playground inspired by your reading of the novel, Bridge to Terabithia (this is crucial!). You should explain how ideas from the novel have inspired the design concept of the playground.
You should complete and submit the following:
1) Appendix 2.1b
2) Appendix 2.2
3) A 3D plan of the playground
4) A blog detailing the content from 1) - 3), pictures, your group’s progress, ideas, comments, anything else of relevance etc
5) A model of your playground
Judging Criteria for:a) 3D Model (Total marks- 30m)- Creativity (10m)- Craftsmanship/ Aesthetic appeal (10m)- Function and Feasibility (10m)b) Blog (Total marks- 70m)- Proposal (description of playground features: How is the design/concept linked to the novel? How does it meet children's special needs?) (30m)- Organisation and planning (10m)- Research (10m)- Visuals and Sketches (10m)
This project is worth 100% of your SA1.
All the best!
Post-Project Activity:
Write a letter to the Minister for National Development, Member of Tampines GRC, Mr Mah Bow Tan, providing him with feedback about the playgrounds in Tampines and suggestions to improve them (e.g. make them more Need-sensitive). You may include findings from your Playground Project to support your points. Your letter should be about 200-250 words long and you may want to include the following:- What your project was about and your findings (briefly)- how this led you to reflect on the playgrounds in your neighborhood- your feedback about playgrounds in Tampines- suggestions on how they can be improved